Saturday, February 14, 2009

I'm back with fire

The last time that I posted to this blog was over a year ago. I'm sure no one has missed me. Especially the rude person who told me that I'm a whiny bitch in their anonymous comments. Whatever. I'm me. If you don't like me, don't read me or my stories.

Many events have happened since my last post in January. I am no longer with "le petit escargot" and living in a long-distance relationship. I'm actually very happy. In Hawaii. With my family. With my friends. Single and 26. And where I belong. For right now.

I have learned the past year and a half that it doesn't matter if you're in a foreign country or living life in your home state, most of the time everyone is half a dictionary short of fluent...of anything. We're all half fluent about the men/women we date, the jobs we take and the families we try to make. Language has always been a love of mine and the past year and a half since my father died, I've noticed that language isn't just about the letters or sounds you put together to communicate something to another person, it's also about the unique language that you live your life by - the syntax of specific moments that pull it together and create our futures, our stories, in our own tongue.

That is why I decided to kick this blog back into gear. I find myself half a dictionary short of where I want to be all the time, and those moments will make for great stories and poetry.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, that's lovely. And it's a lovely way to see the world. It's what we're all about, really, just figuring out the language with which we can make ourselves understood to the world. Cheers!