Thursday, December 20, 2007

I'm Googleable!

What a strange feeling it is! I just started a new job in my home state since returning from France and because it is a pretty in-the-public-eye position, I've just become the first listing (and second, and third) on the Google search results after tapping in my full name.

It's scares the bloody boogers out of me! Think meet a guy while hanging out with your friends -- he Googles you! You go for a job interview, they Google you! Nosy high school classmates want to know what you've been up to, they Google you! I don't know if I want even that bit of attention. If you're computer literate and can navigate the Internet search engines well, you can figure out where someone is going to be on Saturday night at 8 p.m. and with whom. Thanks to Google, Myspace, and Facebook you can even deduce what they plan to eat for lunch tomorrow. Seriously, I've done it.

One can find out any amount of information on a person if their names are listed on Google. I know. I do it all the time -- after a date on Friday night, after interviewing someone (during a former job position), and yes, when I get bored, I Google the hell out of my former friends' names.

I Google my boyfriends name every week. Only because I care about his well-being and I don't want his name to be used improperly. I'm not nosy or insecure. Really.